The Murri School has many services to help support our students and their families.
Exercise - Every morning students participate in a 30 – 40 minute exercise and wellbeing program. The program aims to support the children to get ready for the day ahead. Children participate in either fun games that integrate sensory motor preparation, physical activity, or social emotional development.
Allied Health- The services available to our students include Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Hearing health and Psychology. Our allied health and support team work alongside our teachers to provide support to students in Prep through to year 12.
Community Engagement Officers provide support in a variety of ways such as food hampers, transport, family camps, NAIDOC Week, Community Networking, Community events and behaviour support. Their role is also to foster a positive relationship and provide support between the school and the families of the school community.
Nutrition - The Murri School nutrition program operates daily to ensure that the children are ‘fuelled with the right type of energy to learn best’. The children are provided with breakfast, munch ‘n’ crunch and can purchase morning tea and lunch. Families make financial contributions to assist with the continuance of this program.
Medical - A medical centre Co-Ordinator assists with organising Paediatricians clinics and other medical appointments for our families. As well as daily bumps and bruises.
Family Wellbeing Services
There are two facets to this service. The School’s Family Support Service has been operating over 20 years and is responsive to the needs of our families. Our main catchment area is Acacia Ridge and Surrounding areas but also includes suburbs where our students reside. The Family Wellbeing team is inclusive of any person seeking support, information and/or referrals. We offer support in regard to education, medical/allied health, counselling, housing, Centrelink, youth justice/legal issues/court appearances, Department of Child Safety and advocacy.
Student Support Services